11:01 AM
Can We Have Several Accounts With A Bookmaker?

First of all, it is not very interesting to have several accounts on the same bookmaker. Indeed, what would be the point of betting on the same site with several accounts with the same odds? Find out more about this practice...

Is this allowed?

It is strictly forbidden to open several accounts on the same bookmaker. This does not of course prevent you from creating another account with another email address. However, you will not be able to deposit money if you are using the same bank card.

Indeed, each credit card is assigned to a particular account. You will therefore not be able to credit your account using this card if it is already used on another account. If you sign up with the same name, there is a good chance that one of your two accounts is deactivated.

Have several accounts at different bookmakers

The main interest lies in having several accounts at different bookmakers. Thus, you can bet on the bookmaker offering the best possible odds for a match. There are more than fifty major online bookmakers and not all of them offer the same odds because they are set according to subjective criteria.

In addition, you will have a wider choice of competitions. Indeed, some bookmakers do not cover all the competitions of a given sport. Some minor or non-football leagues are not available on all sports betting sites. Some bookmakers favor minor leagues to attract local players, while others rely on big sporting events. And yous should thoroughly investigate each betting website carefully. Additionally, you can visit 먹튀사이트 to find that information and save your time.

In addition, if you choose to open several accounts, you will be able to receive advantageous bonuses depending on the site. As mentioned above, Betclic, for example, offers you to reimburse your first bet up to 20 euros.

Bonuses as motivation

Most betting sites offer bonuses for any new member. The bonus can be very attractive, as with online poker sites.

Most of the time, you have to deposit the first sum of money on the bookmaker to be able to win the bonus. It is therefore interesting to have several accounts on different sports betting sites in order to unlock promotions if they are advantageous to you. For example, avoid sites that require you to bet on specific odds to be able to receive a small bonus.

The Sure Bet: a very risky bet

Some big bettors decide to open several accounts in order to indulge in the practice of "Surebet". Literally, "the safe bet". Indeed, it is mathematically possible to take advantage of the differences between the odds offered by several bookmakers in order to profit from them whatever the result. In general, for a hundred euros wagered, we can hope to touch a few euros in the end, in a safe way. For more than a thousand euros spent, a maximum of 50 euros can be won.

But this practice is strongly discouraged. In particular, because it is not really "sure" despite its attractive name. When a bookmaker sees that a Surebet is possible, he can reduce his odds in an exceptional way and “cancel” your bet. You will be reimbursed for the amount wagered, but your bet on the other site will still be required. Thus, you will end up with a large amount of money wagered on a match that you might not have wagered on that much.

The bettors almost all agree on this point: it is far too dangerous to bet thousands of euros to win in the end only a few tens of euros.

Category: Entertainment | Views: 450 | Added by: dgdeepak2024 | Rating: 0.0/0
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