7:25 PM
How Should You Choose A Wig?

First, you must choose what type of wig you want. Through this article, we will tell you that if you decide to wear your hair with a medium or short measure, it is better to choose a high-quality Microfiber wig. The maintenance of these wigs is very simple at home and their naturalness is perfect since the difference is only noticeable if the hair is very long.


In synthetic and long hair wigs the hair moves “different”, it is more static and its appearance less natural, therefore, if you decide to wear a longer mane of the shoulders and you are looking for total naturalness, you should choose it with natural hair. You have to think, that natural hair wigs are very beautiful and the quality of the hair is like ours, but they require more care and maintenance in specialized centers. You should also go to a suitable hairdresser or center so that they adapt it to you and make the cut and hairstyle that you request.  


Another important point is the price since natural hair wigs for men are more expensive due to their manual hair-by-hair manufacturing and human hair is very expensive.


If, on the other hand, you decide to wear a shorter wig, you will have more maintenance advantages and they are also much cheaper. You can buy wigs online. To buy your first wig, you can just Google wigs for men near me and visit the results. While buying the wigs online, ensure that you buy from reputed online store like https://wilshirewigs.com/.


The wigs microfiber has a very studied interior and design to suit your needs and are comfortable to wear and maintain.


It is important that you choose a wig that has a monofilament interior on the top or in the stripe and that also has LACE FRONT. The LACE FRONT is a piece that has wigs designed in the forehead area so that the birth is not noticed, they perfectly imitate the natural beginning of the hair and are not detected even if the airlifts the hair or you do not wear bangs.


To help you in your decision, it is important that you value that once you finish the treatment, you will begin to see how your hair grows. Hair begins to grow approximately 40 days after the last chemotherapy cycle. From there, you must count that your hair will grow at the rate of 1cm per month approx.


When you are about 3-4 cm, you may decide to stop using the wig, so you will wear short hair for a season. With this I want you to think that it is not a bad idea to choose a wig with shorter hair than yours at the moment since when you take it off, you will not notice so much the change from a mane to a fairly short hair.


It seems to me that it can be a  very positive process of adaptation and adaptation to a new image, and you could do it in the following way.


Tips Hair Loss Process

  • Choose a wig a little shorter than your mane.
  • Cut your hair like the wig and try to adapt to this new image during the time from now until hair loss, which can be about 2-3 weeks.
  • When you start to notice hair loss (between 15-17 days from the first session) cut it very short, with a razor, but not shaved, in this way you will avoid the impact of seeing your hair fall out abundantly.
  • Adapt your wig to your style.


These are some tips when it comes to directing the process of hair loss, but it is you who decides how to look better

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